You can just start a regular L4D2 lobby, and make sure the Server Type setting of the lobby is set to Steam Group Server instead of Official Dedicated, then when the Lobby Leader player starts the match it will allow him/her to pick a server from their own Steam Group Servers List, and then just make sure they pick a server that allows 8 player coop. over time, see the ReadMe file for the usable chat commands) (like the stat tracker plugin, which keeps track of all players kills etc. NOTE: You Do Not "need" these packs / SourceMod and the different plugins, to be able to play 8 player Coop campaigns in L4D2 online with friends, this is only if you want your own games Single Player and Local Host options to run with 8 players, and all the new settings / features that are achieved with these SourceMod plugins. ( Superversus, L4DToolz, Dhooks v2.2, and some others, see the credits section of the ReadMe)
#Sourcemod l4d2 local server install
Just in case anyone wanted it, i have made a folder directory with sourcemod, metamod, and some plugins that are useful for players to install into their own L4D2 game, and also that allow 8 players in Single Player or the Local Host modes. ***Broken again on Linux by L4D2 update so ill repack it if the plugins get updated to fix how they work / run on Linux OS machines, and then ill change the version to v1.2 - 7/5/21*** UPDATED FOR THE LAST STAND UPDATE (Windows 7 - 10)